The 1.5 day conference, 22./23. May 2019, is open to everybody interested in the scientific, technological and medical aspect of biomaterials. The meeting is aimed at scientists, engineers, medical doctors and industrial representatives who work with implant materials or tissue engineering for regenerative medicine. A special session on Biodegradable Materials is planned.
Confirmed Speakers: Prof. Dr. Regine Willumeit-Römer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany; Dr. Thomas Hefti and Mrs. Philine Baumann-Zumstein, Vascular Interventions, Biotronik AG, Bülach; Dr. Joëlle Amédée-Vilamitjana, Tissue Bioengineering, Université de Bordeaux; Dr. Maurizio Gullo, FHNW, Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics IM2; Prof. Dr. Martin A. McNally, University of Oxford, President of the European Bone and Joint Infection Society; Prof. Dr. Leonard Charles Marais, Orthopedic Surgery, University Kwazulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
A dedicated workshop organized for the Young Scientists of the SSB+RM will be held as a pre-meeting event. Daniel Seiler will lead this workshop entitled “Patient-Specific Implants Produced By Additive Manufacturing” including hands-on practice and a tour through the implant manufacturing labs at the FHNW Campus Muttenz. Flyer, Conference website