We invite you to participate to the E-MRS 2018 Symposium F “Advanced biomaterials: elaboration, nanostructure, interfaces with tissues”organized in Strasbourg (France) from June 18th to 20th 2018 during the E-MRS SPRING 2018 global symposium (www.european-mrs.com).
You are now invited to submit abstracts at the following link: https://www.european-mrs.com/user/login?destination=extranet/new-abstract/1382/0
Deadline for abstract submission is January 18, 2018.
Hot topics to be covered by the symposium:
- Biomaterials: bioceramic, porous and composite biomaterials, novel polymers and biopolymers
- Nano and micropatterning for biomedical application
- Smart biohybrid materials
- Tissue engineering scaffolds, biomedical implants
- Cardiovascular tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
- Biointerface engineering, biomolecule surface interaction, surface treatments, antibacterial surfaces
- Osteointegration
- Drug delivery systems
- Blood- and tissue-material interactions
- Cell material interactions and cell instructive materials
- Stimuli and cell responsive materials
- Modelling of cell material interaction and biological recognition
All the informations are given at https://www.european-mrs.com/advanced-biomaterials-elaboration-nanostructure-interfaces-tissues-emrs.
The symposium chairs
- Arnaud SCHERBERICH University of Basel, Group Adipose Cells in Regenerative Medicine Laboratory of Tissue Engineering, Universitätspital Basel, Arnaud.Scherberich@usb.ch
- Dmitry BAVYKIN University of Southampton, Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, D.Bavykin@soton.ac.uk
- Francesca BOCCAFOSCHI University of Piemonte Orientale Novara, Department of Health Sciences, Novara, Italy,francesca.boccafoschi@med.uniupo.it
- Geneviève POURROY Institut de Physique et Chimie de Strasbourg, genevieve.pourroy@ipcms.unistra.fr