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Mira Anna Jacobs – Communication

I am a PhD student at the Laboratory for Fetal Healing and Tissue Engineering at the University of Zurich. My project consists in developing a hydrogel based culture system to enable ovarian follicle growth and maturation in vitro. In my free time, I love to go hiking and biking or to read a good book. I am excited to be part of the SSB+RM Young Scientists Team as this will be a great opportunity to meet researchers working in a similar field as me and to organize exciting events.

Tino Jucker – Finances

I am a PhD student at the Laboratory for Biomimetic Membranes and Textiles at Empa. My research focuses on biomechanical multi-layer composite skin models to investigate pressure injury formation. After my master’s degree in Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich, I worked in skin tissue engineering under GMP conditions before starting my current position. Besides my passion for science, I love outdoor sports such as cycling, swimming and skiing. I am very excited to be part of the SSB+RM Young Scientists team, to organize future events and to interact with fascinating people!

Stella Monestier – General Tasks

I am a PhD student at the Regenerative Medicine Technologies Lab at EOC. My research focuses on utilizing a novel bioxolography technology to biofabricate 3D muscle fibers and neuromuscular junctions. Beyond my lab life, I play the harp and various other instruments, and I like hiking and traveling all over the world. Being a part of the SSB+RM Young Scientists Team fills me with excitement as it offers me the chance to meet with numerous researchers and contribute to the organization of impactful and inspiring events.

Marcia Mürner – General Tasks

I am a PhD student at the AO Research Institute Davos. There, I am doing my external doctoral studies while being affiliated to the Razansky lab at ETH Zurich. My research is focused on finding novel regenerative techniques to tackle intervertebral disc degeneration and low back pain. Being part of the SSB+RM Young Scientists enables me to interact with and learn from peers from all over Switzerland.

Antonio Sileo – EC Liaison

I am a PhD student at the Cardiac and Surgery Engineering lab at the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel. My research consists in investigating the single and combined effects of electrical and mechanical stimulation on the maturation and functionality of 3D engineered cardiac tissue. Outside the lab, I am a member of the Basel Swimming Club (SVB) so in my free time I like to train and compete. Since I have been practicing competitive swimming since I was a child, I decided to do a judge course and recently I became a swimming judge. I am interested in science and I think it’s important to communicate and spread it, as well as networking and meet new scientists. I’m excited to be part of the SSB+RM Young Scientists team and I believe it is a great opportunity to organize scientific events and meet and interact with different researchers.

Gabriela Da Silva André – General Task

I am a PhD student in the Macromolecular Engineering Lab at ETH Zurich. My research focuses on designing and optimizing hydrogel scaffolds to develop a well-defined 3D in vitro model of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, enabling the assessment of tumor growth and progression. In my free time, I enjoy yoga and outdoor activities such as functional outdoor training, running and hiking. Joining the SSB+RM Young Scientists team presents an opportunity to grow my network, strengthen my soft skills, and interact with a broad range of interesting people, including researchers from related fields.


  • Angela Bonato
  • Mansoor Chaaban
  • Emma Cavalli
  • Laëtitia Galea
  • Elia Guzzi
  • Daphne Van der Heide
  • Lisa Krattiger
  • Yann Ladner
  • Claudia Loebel (founding member)
  • Mischa Müller (founding member)
  • Lorenza Garau Paganella
  • Queralt Vallmajo Martin
  • Patrick Weber

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SSB+RM is affiliated to the European Society for Biomaterials