
Scope and Background

The 2018 conference is dedicated to Bioinspired Materials. It will include presentations by keynote speakers who will give an overview of clinical and industrial translation of biomaterials on the 2018 conference theme as well as topics of general interest to the SSB+RM community.


The 2018 theme-related topic is Bioinspired Materials.
Other sessions and all poster presentations are open to all aspects of biomaterials science and regenerative medicine.

Confirmed Speakers

Target Audience

The conference is open to everybody interested in the scientic and medical aspects of biomaterials and targets scientists, medical doctors, dentists and engineers dealing with metal, ceramic, polymer, and composites, or with tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.

Young Scientists Activity

Young Scientists pre-conference workshop on the morning of June 6.
Limited places available.

Best Presentation Awards

Best student poster and oral presentation will be awarded by the SSB+RM.

Conference Language

The official language of the conference is English.