24th Annual Meeting of the SSB+RM: Bioinspired Materials
June 6-7, 2018
Conference Location
Adolphe Merkle Institute
University of Fribourg
Chemin des Verdiers 4
CH-1700 Fribourg

Conference News
Online registration is accepted until May 24 (22.05.2018)
The Swiss Conferences on Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine combined with the Annual Meeting of the SSB+RM are organized with focus on specific themes related to biomaterials. In 2017, the 2 days conference is dedicated to ‘Bioinspired Materials’.
Call for papers: Preference for oral presentations will be given to those devoted to the main topic. Poster contributions to all aspects of biomaterials are welcome.
Hotels can be found via Firbourg Tourisme.
If you have a contribution for the conference, please first submit your abstract and wait until you receive the acceptance notification before you register. Otherwise, please go directly to the registration.